01:14 ST
The Cave Files: The Case of the Lost Necklace
Whooo~ A relatively simple one today~
Posted 10/24/14
I really like today’s clue! 8D
Posted 10/24/14
I love today’s clue! :D
Posted 10/24/14

I thought today’s clue was pretty clever.

As a heads up to mobile users, it is a little time consuming.

Posted 10/24/14
I agree! Very clever way to do the clue.
Posted 10/24/14

Could someone send me a tiny clue please? I’ve been good most days but today has escaped me!

Edit: Thanks Crow cc:

Posted 10/24/14, edited 10/24/14
Well, I’m lost. Maybe I just haven’t gotten enough sleep, I’ll try it again after I drop Jewel off at her groomers in a couple hours and in the mean time sleep until I need to leave for that. Yes, this is a good plan… *wanders off sleepily*
Posted 10/24/14
I’m totally digging all of the Halloween items that have come out oh my gosh. Adorables!!! You all did such an awesome job on them and I want like thirty of every item and. Yes. 8I. Slobbers on the art team. Lovingly. u3u
Posted 10/24/14

Okay, I’m still lost and I have an eye exam later which means after that point I’ll be unable to even see the site (stupid drop things). Would anyone be willing to echo me a hint? Please?

Edit: Got it! Thanks everyone! Turns out part of the problem was my iPad being a pain… Oh well, next time I’ll remember to bring my laptop when I leave my desktop during an event. XD

Posted 10/24/14, edited 10/24/14
Question: For the Creativity Contest, do the things have to be Halloween related, or can they also be like, Case of the Lost Necklace oriented? Since that is a halloween event…
Posted 10/24/14
Case of the Lost Necklace oriented is fine too since, as you mentioned, it is our Halloween event! :)
Posted 10/24/14
Heheh “Candy- now with 100% more Mystery! Open the packet to see if you’ve found a golden ticket the necklace!”
Posted 10/24/14
I think I’m doing something wrong for today’s clue. XD I’m pretty sure I’m doing it right, but I keep getting sent to a dead end.
Posted 10/24/14
Diglett; The dead end means you’ve missed something along the way ;) One or two, maybe, or a typo?
Posted 10/24/14
Yeah, heheh xD Got it now
Posted 10/24/14

Gah, today’s clue is in the funniest place of them all. XD
I also love the theme the Halloween items seem to be headed towards. It’s perfect for one of my future characters. <3

Posted 10/25/14, edited 10/25/14
i am really surprised i got that so fast haha i just started clicking around and i saw something and i was like “.... that wasn’t there four minutes ago”
Posted 10/25/14

Stuck again. Today’s spoiler does not help me. :/

I even spent the past 10 minutes or so clicking around on all the pages I could find.

Posted 10/25/14
Clever placement today!! I’m glad that I’m getting much better at interpreting the “hints” and “clues” that are being left.
Posted 10/25/14
I agree, today’s clue was clever.
Posted 10/25/14, edited 10/25/14

I just found it, though completely on accident, and I still can’t figure out its relation to the story chapter or the spoiler; or more clearly, how anyone figured out the solution based on the hints given. Instead of feeling clever I just feel left in the dark. :/

Could someone explain what the connections are? Since I’m getting the sinking feeling my brain just doesn’t make connections like others’ do, and that doesn’t bode well for me figuring out any other hints (the only ones I’ve figured out on my own are the obvious ones).

Ugh I’ve always *hated* asking for help, yet that’s the only way it seems I’ll make it through this event…if I even do. ;_;

ETA, just figured out the hint’s connection to the spoiler, though still not the connection to the story, or the spoiler’s connection to the story.

Posted 10/25/14, edited 10/25/14
Okay, I’ll admit that was really cute. XD
Posted 10/25/14
I think this is the first one that has me really stumped. Hrmmm.
Posted 10/25/14
Ahh! :D Today’s item is great! I’ve been hoping one of these would show up on site; I have a character planned who needs one!
Posted 10/25/14
Would anyone be willing to tell me today’s clue? It’s a busy day for me, so I don’t have a whole lot of time :)
Posted 10/25/14

Same here, if anyone can pop me an echo with a better hint I would appreciate it! I’m about to be busy for most of today as well. xD and I’m quite frazzled.

edit: WELL JEEZ I’M NOT PERCEPTIVE thanks peeps!

Posted 10/25/14, edited 10/25/14

...I’m finally caving. I’ve gotta ask someone for a hint for today =3
SO CONFUSED!! Could someone please help!?
EDIT: How in the world did I miss that!? =3 Thanks guys for the hints!!

Posted 10/25/14, edited 10/25/14

Could someone shoot me a PM with the answer? I’ll be too busy and I don’t when I’ll be back later today.

Edit: Thanks Gobi and Lady Hawkwing. <3

Posted 10/25/14, edited 10/25/14

:looks at day 8 clue:
:blank stare:

(for some odd reason, I’m being drawn to this one page, but there’s nothing there… I don’t think…)

++ Thanks for the PM, Dove! I’ll mess around a little more, I suppose, before I look at it. ^^;

++ lol uh i had a feeling i was going to look at it and still have no idea what’s happening hah a a wow okay well

(thanks again; i suppose i’ll go everywhere looking for that page haha)

++ wow

Posted 10/25/14, edited 10/25/14
Hehe no problem! :D It’s not the answer but it is a more detailed hint, so only open when you’re ready!
Posted 10/25/14