00:19 ST
The Cave Files: The Case of the Lost Necklace
I could also use a little help today, if someone doesn’t mind!
Posted 10/28/14
I’m a lost puppy for this one. Gonna come back to work at it later. Hopefully with a computer with me now I can be more efficient at solving this.
Posted 10/28/14
Can someone help me with the slips of paper? ;v;
Posted 10/28/14
I’m about to go to bed, I’m afraid, but I’m happy to try and help people when I can get to a computer tomorrow. Feel free to shoot me an echo and I’ll answer it when I can. It’s a tricky one today, for sure.
Posted 10/28/14

Ah, I really liked today’s! :D That was quite fun!

If anyone needs help, I’m happy to give you some hints or the direct solution! I’ll be very slow to respond, but I should be on and offline all day, so if you know you’ve got some time and can wait for an answer feel free to message me!

Posted 10/28/14, edited 10/28/14
I’m… gonna need some assistance too if someone doesn’t mind.  I have these things and no clue what to do with them at the place I found.
Posted 10/28/14

Hehhh, I think I’m going to need some help today, as well. xD;

Edit: Nevermind! Thanks, Tamako! xD

Posted 10/28/14, edited 10/28/14

I love today’s one °v° It was pretty fun :D
(I’m loving this event so far <3)

Posted 10/28/14, edited 10/28/14
Got the safe to open at last! Thanks Nyfeaena!
Posted 10/28/14, edited 10/28/14

Would someone be willing to throw me a hint? I have these paper scraps but no idea what to do with them :|

Edit: Plasma figured it out and threw me a hint right after I posted this, so never mind XD

Posted 10/28/14, edited 10/28/14

Would someone be willing to help me as well? I have the paper scraps but I’m not sure what to do with them either. 8D;;

Edit: Got it!

Posted 10/28/14, edited 10/28/14

Okay I have two slips of paper and NO CLUE WHAT TO DO WITH THEM
Someone help me please ;3; Aaaa

Posted 10/28/14
I sent a bunch of you guys a message, but if I don’t reply, it means I’ve fallen asleep, and I’m horribly, terribly sorry. ; n ;
Posted 10/28/14

Looks like I gotta solve this one on the computer :o

btw, it’s not a bug if a lot of them look the same, right? I figured this has something to do with the clue but I want to make sure…

Posted 10/28/14

CACKLES. I just got it. If anyone wants another clue, feel free to PM me! nvn

I’ll reply when I can, I’m at work so it may not always be immediately ;v;

Posted 10/28/14, edited 10/28/14

I’d like some help. I found the papers, but I’m not sure how they tie in with the rest of it..

I got it, thanks to Nuncia!

Posted 10/28/14, edited 10/28/14
Phage; Oops I was hoping people wouldn’t notice 8D I’m afraid all the slips that can be found in the shops are only ‘one slip’, namely exactly the same one. It was only supposed to show up in one shop, but ..it’s showing up in all of them, and glitch is still asleep (or doing thesis work, not sure) so he hasn’t been able to fix it yet xD
Posted 10/28/14
I could definitely use some help today. I recently had surgery and have been totally scatterbrained in clue hunting. :P (of course, this could also be the pain killers. :P)
Posted 10/28/14
glitch Thank you! All fixed :D
Posted 10/28/14
I’ll be on for a bit, so if anyone needs help, send me an echo!
Posted 10/28/14
Also here in case people need help. I liked that c:
Posted 10/28/14
I’m also available if people need help c:
Posted 10/28/14
I’m really excited for the Spell Weaver… I can hardly wait.
Posted 10/28/14
I think I need some help :c I found all the papers but I can’t figure out what to do with them, I tried a few things but it didn’t work.
Posted 10/28/14

Is it just me, or are the clues becoming progressively more difficult?

I found all components of today’s hint, but even after the public clues, I’m still unsure of what to do. I feel as if I’m missing something so painfully obvious.

Posted 10/28/14

Juney: ooh, haha. it did look unusual that there were slips even in all of them.

edit: aaand solved it! this is one of those that is actually simpler than it looks.

Posted 10/28/14, edited 10/28/14
Can someone help me again? I found two slips but everything I’ve tried has been wrong, lol.
Posted 10/28/14


yeS YES thank you King haheh ah

But, no, seriously - thanks again to everyone who has helped. don’t know where we (the people who are always like ???? ? all the time) would be ;7;

Posted 10/28/14, edited 10/28/14

Yay! More swag for Mirth. 8D I love how everything on him matches so well colour-wise. ^^

More lovely gold/black/cream items, please~ ;P

Posted 10/29/14, edited 10/29/14
Love today’s item!
Posted 10/29/14