00:34 ST
The Cave Files: The Case of the Lost Necklace
oooh gosh, so pretty!! o3o
Posted 10/29/14
Today’s was quick and easy and pretty. Feel a little bit sorry for laughing at the little critter though. ^^;
Posted 10/29/14
Can someone give me the solution for yesterday’s clue? Someone gave me a hint on how to complete it, but I seem to be a bit dense & am clueless.
Posted 10/29/14

Could someone send me some clues for day 9, 10 and 11 please, been away the past few days.
I’ve got the ‘clues’ for yesterday, but don’t know what to do with them….

Posted 10/29/14
^o^~ I love spider styled things. And this one is so cute. Now I just need a purple/green pet to put it on. 0w0
Posted 10/30/14

/ waiting for tomorrow anxiously

I’m *hoping* we can get the new coat for Halloween.
But the forum contests suggest there is more than one.
“Choice of a Halloween 2014 coat mushroom” has been making me nervous since the beginning…

Posted 10/30/14, edited 10/30/14
yeah, I’m curious about it!! the one coat we do know about has two totally different looking ineki, so I already know I want two of them >_<
Posted 10/30/14
I really hope everyone gets a good chance at the mushroom and it’s not just a raffle for a few people to get it. I hate those. I want to be able to earn the mushroom somehow or purchase it. One of the coats would be absolutely perfect for Hex (avatar) since his character is a Witch Doctor. He’s one of the first characters I like to try to make on almost any pet site like this.
Posted 10/30/14

Oh no! What is this? What-what does the Halloween Mushroom do…? oAo

I can’t choose unless I have more information… TnT

Posted 10/31/14
Halloween Mushroom is a random mushroom like the Spring 2014 Mushroom or the Summer 2014 Mushroom — it contains the Spell Weaver and all the Halloween colors released last year!
Posted 10/31/14

I think it turns your pet into one of the Halloween coats we’ve had so far o3o which means will-o’-the-wisp, fog, monster under the bed, schrodinger’s cat, or spell weaver? (is light in the darkness one too?)

that’s what the description seems to say at least!

edit: oh Amaterasu beat me to it haha yay!

Posted 10/31/14, edited 10/31/14
Miranda No, the Light in the Darkness is not a Halloween color.
Posted 10/31/14
Oh wow! :o I didn’t realize all those coats were from last Halloween. Thank you!
Posted 10/31/14
I accidentally clicked Halloween instead of Spell Weaver D: Anyone up for trading?
Posted 10/31/14

I can’t choose!! I want the spellweaver but I also want a chance at the fog or schrodinger… but I only want those 2…. maybe spellweaver is the better choice?

EDIT: Gone with Spellweaver, cause that’s one coat I most definitely want.

Posted 10/31/14, edited 10/31/14

I picked the Spell Weaver because chance isn’t my thing ovo;
If anyone gets a Fog or Wisp and don’t want it, you know where to find me~

Posted 10/31/14, edited 10/31/14

since it’s just a random of the new coat or the old ones, I decided to get the new one! hopefully at some point I can trade for another :>

this was a really fun event, I loved the mystery searching!

Posted 10/31/14
This event was really fun ! And such cute items too <3
Posted 10/31/14, edited 10/31/14

Ah, didn’t realise we needed all the clues to get the mushroom…
Could I get some help on days 2 and 3?? They’re the only ones I haven’t got…

Posted 10/31/14

Ohh, the Halloween Mushroom was a nice surprise, thought I wold never have the chance to get these shiny old coats. x3
And I’ve got one I liked, the shrodringer’s kitty. :D

Posted 10/31/14
Life got super crazy over the past few days 8( would really appreciate if someone sent me 11-14 as I doubt I will have time today. Thanks!!
Posted 10/31/14
Got the Weaver, but then swapped with my gf who got the Wisp because she knew I wanted one of the older colours. c: Was hoping for the Shrodinger but still super happy! :D
Posted 10/31/14
i have a schrodinger…but my GF wants a wisp i’d be willing to trade Deddo
Posted 10/31/14
I got a Spell Weaver! 8D They’re SO COOOOOL!!!
Posted 10/31/14

i wanted a spell weaver mush but i also like all the halloween colors from last year… can’t go wrong with the halloween mushy, then, right? right? TvT;;;;;;

-rolls away to buy a legacy pet to transmorgify-

Posted 10/31/14
Ah I can’t decide what gender spell weaver I want. x3 They’re both so gorgeous…I might end up just having two.
Posted 10/31/14

This was a fabulous event and I loved every second of it.

I’ll be around for a while today if anyone needs any help to round out their list! Just drop me a pm and tell me what part you’re on - I’ll rustle up some hints to point you in the right direction!

Posted 10/31/14
Yay halloween mushy!~ Thanks so much for this awesome event!
Posted 10/31/14

/ Fist pumps

I only need a Wispy to complete my Halloween collection!

Posted 10/31/14, edited 10/31/14

I… I can’t believe I… got my own color. From the random mushroom…
This happened during the spring event too… how do I manage this!?

Happy Halloween though everyone! I hope everyone had as much fun with the event as I did!

Posted 10/31/14