Skye baekhesten if you feel like you’re getting the confirmation message for colors that don’t match, click away from the screen for a minute and then look back again. after your eyes recover, you will probably be able to see that the colors do indeed match!
Posted 10/13/15
well considering i play through most games in about 10 seconds idk if that’s it? it also doesn’t explain the opposite problem in which we don’t get confirmation messages for colors that do match, and how if you put in 2 red, 1 yellow, and 1 blue it’s wrong, but if you put in 2 more red, 1 more yellow, and 1 more blue it’s right. o:
Posted 10/13/15
baekhesten and according to glitch, that shouldn’t happen? i asked him about it earlier, and he told me that if 4-2-2 is accepted, then 2-1-1 SHOULD have been accepted as well. thats not to say thats how its working, but thats what he told me :P
Posted 10/13/15
hey glitch so i play on the computer and a couple of times i have a fun glitch where i click on one bottle and it decides i’ve clicked on a completely separate bottle and adds that one?? it wouldn’t be as bad if it didn’t mostly happen after i’ve added all of a color i need for example i played a game that ended up like this my actual clicks were adding one of each bottle, then one of the middle and one of the right, but for some reason the click on the right decided i clicked the left one??
Posted 10/13/15
glitch When I play on mobile (my phone is an iphone, if that makes any difference) the labels are blank, and so is the message window when I either win or run out of ingredients. Sorry for the bother, thought I should let you know!
Posted 10/15/15
So, glitch. I don’t know if this is useful information or at all helpful, but I seem to get more of the ‘You’ve run out of Ingredients!’ warning if the game generates the same set of potions to mix in a row.
Posted 10/18/15
baekhesten The “please accept these 0 nuggets” happens when you’ve hit your daily cap.
Posted 10/18/15
[@lawk] Jacq ya it was the fact that the recipe called for all of every ingredient and therefore it was impossible to lose :p (and also that it didn’t match but i know sometimes you only have to get it close)
Posted 10/18/15
Oh! I see now. (I can’t see a difference in colours in that screenshot bcoz I suck at this game so I dunno about that part.)
Posted 10/18/15
I’ve been having the same problem when I lose and click too quickly to play again (Usually on accident as I’m clicking willy-nilly to end the game and click one too many times >_> ) On top of that, I had this happen. The colours are obviously different (In my eyes at least?)
Posted 10/21/15