18:12 ST
[GAME] Potions Master is ready for playtesting!

It’s been a long day clearing away cave-ins down in some of the Cave’s less-traveled tunnels. You’re tired, you’re hungry, and you’ve seen just about enough of these fallen stones for one day, thanks. Luckily, your quota is almost met; just a few more stones to roll out of the way and you can head home.

As you lean in to force a small boulder aside, something odd catches your eye — something… that looks very suspiciously like a door. Intrigued, you clear away the rest of the rubble and try the handle. It opens easily, its hinges creaking with age, and you are greeted by the sight of a long-abandoned room. As you venture forth to explore, you notice an old workbench set against the far wall, absolutely covered in vials and bottles of strange, colorful liquid and various bits of ingredients.

It’s all very intriguing; there is definitely something special about these potion remnants. Perhaps, if you experiment a little bit, you can make something magical.

Potions Master is ready for Playtesting!

We are proud to introduce Mycena Cave’s newest game: Potions Master! This game is brought to you in response to numerous feedback received for a game that wasn’t ‘logic-based.’ We hope that the result is something that many of you will find fun and satisfying for your daily play! You’ll see the link formally added to our games list dropdown soon.

Please note: The game is currently in playtesting mode, so you will not receive any nuggets for the time being. We will collect the data submitted from your plays to determine what the best nugget payout levels will be. Feel free to experiment as much as you want; we welcome and encourage your continued feedback. Furthermore, if you encounter any bugs during gameplay, please let us know here or via echo to glitch. Thanks for helping make Mycena Cave great!

Posted 07/29/15
Wow, the art on the bottles is really pretty. I’ll just leave this here for the artist responsible: <3
Posted 07/29/15

Not bad!

I really enjoy the color mixing aspect, it’s a little frustrating when the color looks about the same and it isn’t accepted though. (images removed cuz i feel like they take up a lot of space :x ) I know they’re slightly different but. maybe i’m just not used to the game yet? :v I ‘m not really sure if this is a valid ‘complaint’ per se. I’d be interested in what others think about it.

The art is gorgeous! I’d love to see the bottles as items— maybe they could be obtained as a rare reward from the game?

And of course, thank you for the new game— it’s good to have a little variety ^^

edit: have to agree with below commenter that it’s still kinda logic-y! XD however, I think I’m getting the hang of the game now. I’m definitely going to need an alchemist character now for mc though! :3

edit edit: A couple of questions about mechanics..

Does the order of colors matter? Or is the ‘recipe’ pre determined completely (ie. 3 blue 2 red and 1 yellow, and entering red, blue blue blue yellow red will be accepted)
Are there multiple ‘solutions’ for each puzzle or is there just one right way?
If there’s one way, how would nugget payout work? Is it timed, or is there a flat rate for solving each recipe?

Posted 07/29/15, edited 07/29/15
The art for Potions Master is credited to the beautiful, magnificent Myla! 8D
Posted 07/29/15
#OuO# *fluffs her fur*
Posted 07/29/15
Looks like I’ve got a new favorite game. 0v0
Posted 07/29/15
It does take some getting used to. Two days ago I would fail at ~95% of them. Now I haven’t missed one in a while :)
Posted 07/29/15, edited 07/29/15
@glitch— good to know! i believe it, it certainly took me a while to get echolocation down x3 I shall persist, then!
Posted 07/29/15
Posted 07/29/15

*giggles at fluffy Myla* :D

On the game itself- I got the first one in three clicks and was like “pshaw, this is easy!” then proceeded to fail six in a row. I guess it was beginner’s luck. xD

Posted 07/29/15
*gives Myly a cuppycaek* It works on my tablet!!! Though the colors can be a bit hard to see at times. Gonna try the hell out of the full screen. *runs off to splat the Tentacle Goo all over*
Posted 07/29/15
Pooka:  That’s what happened when I started playing.  I got two in a row and thought to myself “yes, this is my natural artistic ability shining… most excellent…” and then after that I couldn’t do it again for a really long time… hahahaha. >U>
Posted 07/29/15

Yikes this is not at all what I expected but it’s super neat!  Definitely enjoying it, though depending on the eventual payout, I’ll probably still stick to echolocation for my actual nugget making :‘D This is sorta complicated and time consuming.

although, isn’t this also… logic based? or am I putting a lot of thought into this when I shouldn’t

Posted 07/29/15
Don’t get me wrong, the game is gorgeous and i freaking love it, but maybe I’m slightly colorblind or something because there are time when I genuinely cannot tell the difference between the colors and it becomes very frustrating. Still, a game I will probably spend too much time playing!
Posted 07/29/15

Sometimes your color vs current color is like the tiniest, ittiest bit off so you can’t even tell they’re different unless you use an eyedropper tool lol

I’ve been getting a lot of them right so far though I feels so pro!!1

Posted 07/29/15
how…exactly does this game work? if it’s not logic-based, is it random? i can’t seem to tell what putting one color in will do when it does a completely different thing the next time.
Posted 07/29/15
It’s not a traditional logic game involving words or numbers. However color combinations such as white + red = pink are going to stay logically the same regardless of playthough. (So white + red is never going to turn the potion like, purple or something).
Posted 07/29/15, edited 07/29/15

Phage: Putting in a color is like adding one unit of color to the pot, and the resulting color is the mixture of what you have put in so far. For example, one drop of pure blue and one drop of pure red will result in the pot being exactly halfway between blue and red (purple). If you then put another drop of red into the pot, the color in the pot is 2/3 red and 1/3 blue (so a reddish-purple).

So it is logic based in that you need to act rationally and not add green if you need the color to be more red, but it is not a game where you need to figure out your next move through a logical sequence (like echolocation or cave in).

Edit: It occurs to me that maybe we didn’t make this super clear: you’re trying to make the color of the potion in the pot (which changes when you add ingredients) match the color of the potion in the little vial, which does not change. Because those colors are hard to compare (having colorful stuff between them) the crystal ball helpfully “thinks” up a comparison of the current two colors: the background of the thought bubble is the color of the potion in your pot (and changes whenever you click an ingredient) and the vertical stripe is the color of the potion in the vial (which does not change during a round of the game)

Posted 07/29/15, edited 07/29/15

so, it is a logic game, or that’s how i see it. there’s a logical way it works and while it may not be obvious, there is a strategy to approach it with. i think the color combinations probably work via hex codes or something like that, yeah? so maybe some of the muddier color combos might be hard to figure out visually. i didn’t really get it before but i think i understand now, adding a color changes all the colors in the bubble and the idea is to figure out what colors to add that will push the middle strip of closer to the outer ones in hue without making the outer ones go further away in the process. or something.

it may be a while before i figure it out but i managed to get it right once…though i might have to take breaks for the health of my eyes, whew.

Posted 07/29/15

Color wheel game~! ^O^
(Only thing I notice as a critique so far is that some of the hues/shades are neigh impossible to see as different depending on your monitor color/brightness setting…)

But yayyyyy, Color wheel game~!

Posted 07/29/15
This is so much fun, reminds me when I had to mix colours to paint when i was young. The art is so pretty too, thanks Myla :D
Posted 07/29/15
This is a really neat concept! I’m having the same eye-strain issue that a lot of other people are mentioning, though. I think I’m gonna have to stick to other games, at least for now.
Posted 07/29/15

I guess once I really get the hang of it, the times I get it right vs the times I’m a tint off isn’t close enough to bother me

I cant words, pretend i make sense

Posted 07/29/15, edited 07/29/15

This is pretty simple and fun.

However: WHO THE HECK SAID LOGIC-BASED GAMES AREN’T GOOD?! I love those to bits. I love echolocation, it’s just so fun. <3

And I love that the prompt tells me exactly when I get it right. Much simpler than clicking afterwards. ^^

Posted 07/29/15

i did not even notice there was a changing color in a pot or a vial or whatever. the color strip being in the middle there kind of defeats its own purpose as a reference, since in my eyes it keeps changing colors too, probably due to being next to the other ones. like an optical illusion, such as this classic one where tiles a and b are the same color but appear different due to the adjacent tiles. i am not sure how this problem would be rectified, though. maybe that’s the challenge of the game? i think i may have to stick to other games for now as well. i’ve been getting fond of spellstones despite my initial confusion towards it.

edit: woops i forgot bbcode is a thing here

Posted 07/29/15, edited 07/29/15
I enjoyed my few rounds! Though I worry for colour blind people, haha. It would depend on the eventual payout for me to play it a lot in the long term, but it’s good for some brain training and art-focus.
Posted 07/29/15

is there a button to start over? or do I have to refresh the page?

oh nvm didn’t realize that running out would give you a new color

oh no I think I’m in love

Posted 07/29/15, edited 07/29/15

I like it so far, but I will ditto everyone else who are saying the color strip in the middle is hard to see when it’s a close match. There have been a couple times where I’m 99% sure I got the color matched, but it doesn’t register. Skye had to come over and point out to me that it wasn’t an exact match in those cases. Either my eyes aren’t registering it (i.e. I see it as the exact same color but it’s not) or my monitor needs to be specially adjusted just for this game. Not sure how or if that could be fixed, or if it’s intended to be that way.

Sadly if it’s intended to be that way I’ll just stick to Spellstones and Cave In.

Posted 07/29/15
yeah, i worry a bit about the color differences, because like… i have EXTREMELY high color acuity and it was straining even for me. so for lots of people they won’t be able to tell the difference at all. perhaps the difference between colors needs to be made greater? but i do love the concept and the art <3
Posted 07/29/15

Dang, I’m an artist and I’m very sensitive to colors but even this was really tough for me. I imagine this would be a difficult game for people who aren’t used to telling shades apart. However, I love love love the concept; I’ll probably play it every once a while.

I would also like to echo previous concerns about this being a logic-based game.

Posted 07/29/15