I’m having a lot of fun with this! But two things: I would like to echo a few other people to say, sometimes the colors literally look EXACTLY the same and I can’t tell the difference between them…which makes it hard to tell what to put in. Also there should be a reset button for if you realize you messed up beyond repair, instead of watching the color get worse and worse as you add what you know is the wrong ingredient!
Posted 07/29/15
I thought this was really difficult at first, but then I found out the key to success! Great game, now that I have the hang of it!
Posted 07/29/15, edited 07/29/15
The only problem I see with a reset button is that none of the other games have one. There’s been a million times I wished Cave In had one. You mess up you mess up. You’ll get another chance on the next round A bigger thought bubble I can agree with. I’m on my tablet a lot and while the full screen is a big help, the bubble is only about the size of my fingernail on it.
Posted 07/29/15, edited 07/29/15
I also feel like this counts as a logic game. I personally don’t mind, as I max out solely by playing Echolocation and doubt that I’ll change that, but I feel like people requesting a game that doesn’t rely on logic would be a lot happier with a luck-based game… With this game you still have to logically figure out what color/s you should add. Perhaps I’m totally off the mark here, but I did not expect the game to play out how it did based on the “brought to you in response to numerous feedback received for a game that wasn’t ‘logic-based.’”. Regardless, it has beautiful art. I think with some tinkering it could be a very cute little game.
Posted 07/29/15
I really like this new game! It reminds me a bit of Blendoku (which is a free app that I highly recommend to anyone who has a smartphone and enjoys a colorful challenge~) but without putting colors in order. As others have said, it can be a bit difficult to see the middle color at times, but I think it’s kind of fun to be so close to something and take a guess at which color it needs more of. Other than that, I really enjoy it and I might even prefer it over Cave In, once nuggets are rewarded. c: Also, the art is really pretty. I love the colors and atmosphere of the interface, wonderful job, Myla! :D
Posted 07/29/15
Nyfeaena I agree. It’s a nice change towards simplicity opposed to the other games, which I know a few people would appreciate (myself included), but it’s still logic. It’s like… 1 + 1 = 2, just the numbers got assigned to colors. You still have to eye it, think about it, and add it up in your head. It still gets frustrating when you think you’ve added 1 + 1 correctly but your mental math got screwy and you accidentally added 1 + 3. That’s the kind of logic this feels like. Now something like bingo, guess the cup, fishing in an active way (bait, casting) opposed to a passive way (clicking anywhere on a tile), etc. still require thought but they take the calculation out of the player’s head and put it into the hands of luck/random number generators, so they’re not logic games. I can’t think of any real creativity based games that could be done outside of events, though, so luck/logic games are probably the next best thing. Creativity is subjective and any restriction of free-hand verse pre-determined in the area of art would no longer make a game creative in the case of pre-determined patterns or acceptable entries (like color by numbers or jigsaw puzzles). Anything more complex would require subjective judging which would mean popularity contests or making moderators judge winners based on personal tastes or predetermined grading rubrics. (I hope this makes sense I’m stuffing my face with food and trying not to fall asleep after waking up at 4am for work this morning)
Posted 07/29/15
Sometimes when first opening the game this happens. It goes away once I click on a potion. I’m using Chrome, latest version.
Posted 07/29/15, edited 07/29/15
Draven: That depends on how heavily you all play during the playtesting stage, what sort of adjustments we need to make, and how quickly our busybee Juney can look at the data. It’s hard to make an estimate at this point, but we’ll let you know as a bit more time passes! baekhesten: In our initial planning stages, we envisioned a game that would award nuggets based on how close you got/# of moves, so we had originally made the game to allow unlimited drops. However, that was a really frustrating way to play and we noticed we were just refreshing the page if we didn’t get it right with the lowest ratio, so we modified it to what you see now, with a limited number of drops! So tldr; yes, it’ll be an all or none type thing. :D Thank you for giving us feedback; I’m seeing some good suggestions! :) I would love to make the potions a rare drop item — we will try and make that happen. The refresh button, and adding a little more leniency into the accepted color range are also some ideas we’ll discuss too. I can definitely see why you’d still categorize this as a logic game, as opposed to a chance-based game! I think I interpreted the desire for a non-logic game as a desire for something you could play sort of relaxed/mindlessly for a long period of time, and mixing paint or, in this case, potions, has always been something that is pretty soothing to me, haha. >u> But yes, it still requires thought as to which color you should add next and it’s not random, so that’s a good point. If I missed anyone’s question, feel free to repeat it or poke me! Edit: Ooh, that’s weird, Foxcat. I’ll let glitch know. :| Editedit: Thanks for the art compliments! I worked really hard on this piece, and tried to incorporate some new techniques I’m learning from the other artists, so I’m glad that you’re enjoying it! <3
Posted 07/29/15, edited 07/30/15
I love the idea of this game, though I think it would be nice to have a button to click to see if we’re close or like wanting to stop? I know I got close cause it was hard to see the color bar but, nothing happened so I figured I wasn’t there xD; You know if the ‘color’ because an issue what about having different, images. Like if you add to much of one ingredient, maybe the cauldron has a blue aura or, begins to look like it’s shaking or, something looks like it’s mutating out of the inside of the cauldron? Perhaps even adding levels? So if you want to advance you can or, getting so many correct opens a secret room to a different version of the game? But hurray to the fact that there is a non-logic game!
Posted 07/30/15
Foxcat: very odd o_o. I’ve pushed some optimizations though, so hopefully that’s the last you’ll see of that :) Let me know if it comes back though! Akira: I… may or may not have made the game play the song from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eax4oQb5p04 continuously during pre-release staff testing ;) Who am I kidding of course I did.
Posted 07/30/15, edited 07/30/15
An interesting take on color theory, but as many others have said, the differences in colors can be so negligible that it’s that it’s impossible. It would be nice if it was possible to eliminate possible color combos. Like if I’m trying to get color #b319b3, any other color code within a range of, let’s say 20, in its R, B, or B values should be blocked so something ridiculous doesn’t pop up like #b317b3 instead of #b319b3. I’m not sure how that will translate into programming though ^^; An “Undo” button would be nice too ^^ but maybe with only limited undoes per game so it’s not abused.
Posted 07/30/15, edited 07/30/15
Hey all, just wanted to drop in and let you know that my company is releasing 5 games this week & we’re attending gamescom, one of the biggest consumer & business game conferences next week, so any looking at data will happen after that — gives you plenty of time to try out the game to give me some solid data to work with :D Keep in mind, every single game you play helps us set a reasonable payout faster and will prevent us from having to ever decrease the payout in the future <3 I super duper appreciate every minute you invest for us!
Posted 07/30/15