19:55 ST
[EVENT] Shimmers in the Water (Sep. 19 - Oct. 3)
*dusts hands, I’ve spent my tokens waaaay too fast, but I’m so pleased with the goodies, pets and items.  Kudos to the artists ^.^ 
Posted 10/03/15
Can anybody help me?

for the last word on day 9, is it also an equitable item? I just don’t get it D:
and for the 2nd part of day 7, I can’t figure out where to go.

Posted 10/03/15

No, it is two words, not an item. Pay attention to the divider in between.

For the second part of day 7, think of a place you might find fire.

Edit: I responded in a weird way, ignore that if you saw it.

Posted 10/03/15, edited 10/03/15
raus Oh my gosh thank you so much !!
Posted 10/03/15
Zhar You’re welcome! :D
Posted 10/03/15

I’m sure this has been asked somewhere, but I skimmed and couldn’t find it so I figured I’d ask.

About the new species- is it going to be available as customs in the future?

Posted 10/03/15

Irefe Yes, they’re supposed to be available in the next few weeks, it looks like.

Edit: Myla mentioned it in the October News Discussion.

They will be available to select as customs! We need to work out a couple of details before we pop them in, but they should be available for selection in a few weeks.Myla
Posted 10/03/15, edited 10/03/15
Awesome, thanks! :D Can’t wait.
Posted 10/03/15

This was the funnest event. I think I would have enjoyed it even if there weren’t pretty sea puppers at the end of it.
Thank you!!

I have to ask, is there going to be any kind of spotlight? I creeped everyone else’s submissions and there are some really great entries for some of the activity days.

Posted 10/03/15, edited 10/03/15
Just wanted to say that this is the first event I’ve ever participated in and I loved it so much <3 You guys def worked hard on this and it shows! Thank you so much for putting this together, I had so much fun :D Looking forward to the next one!
Posted 10/03/15

Originally, this isn’t something we were planning on doing, but I’ve had a few people actually ask about this, so I think that we’ll probably show off a few of the entries that particularly stood out to us. :) I’ll talk to the graders about it!

Posted 10/03/15

Ahh, that’s great to hear! I can’t wait to see any awesome ones I missed :D

omg, Crow... your avatar….

Posted 10/03/15, edited 10/03/15
Aaah does anyone have a hint for step three of day 13 maybe? ; v;
Posted 10/03/15



Posted 10/03/15
Think of where you can preview items without buying them !! ^^
Posted 10/03/15, edited 10/03/15

Aah thank you…! But someone already helped me through…! Thank you though, really!!!

Posted 10/03/15
BearHeart Oops ! My bad D: But you are welcome !
Posted 10/03/15


It’s nice they allowed people to help with hints…! So I’m thankful people are so nice in helping out! Hopefully I can get enough done to grab one pet before it’s over.
Also I should have edited my original post to say I got help, so sorry for that…!!!

Posted 10/03/15

This was a really fun even! I had a good time! ^-^

Edit: I’m a bit confused though. It seems all of my submissions for the activities I’ve done in the past couple days have all been marked as complete except for Spot the Difference. Is this because I missed a difference or has it not been looked over yet?

Posted 10/03/15, edited 10/03/15

It looks like it just hasn’t had credit applied to it yet! While all of the graders can help grade and verify, I’m the only one who goes through and physically awards credit. That will be done tomorrow, as I have to go to work now. :)

Posted 10/03/15
Nice active, Crow
Posted 10/03/15

[@Queen Elsa]
Yeah, glitch decided to pick on me. :| Meanie.

Posted 10/03/15
this thread has been substantially improved by your contributions, glitch
Posted 10/03/15
Posted 10/03/15

glitch omg

Posted 10/03/15

This is the cutest thing
I am in love !

Posted 10/03/15, edited 10/03/15
Stop glitch!! We cant have Mycena taken over with wierdly drawn paint doodles over icons!!
Posted 10/03/15

Oh my gosh. Yes, glitch, I can diglett with my shovelett.


Edit: I can’t even… I didn’t notice Aldonia had a freakin’ shovel in her hand, lmao

Posted 10/03/15, edited 10/03/15

lol glitch’s edits are fab xD

omg :3

Posted 10/03/15, edited 10/03/15

[quietly saves all of glitch’s improvements for posterity]

I can’t decide which is better: the fact that thi is happening, or imagining all the pets with vandalized icons saying what’s accompanying them.

Posted 10/03/15