19:57 ST
[EVENT] Shimmers in the Water (Sep. 19 - Oct. 3)


You’re not, that background looks like it was made for her! It’s amazing!

Posted 10/03/15

Ahh, very glad to finally get into the shop! Gonna need to get around to completing my last three days to grab a couple extras. >3>;

I’m.. a bit confused though. Will the kelphi not have two poses like the ineki and dras?

Posted 10/03/15

[@tyrian] Thank yoouuu! *u*

He’s definitely complete now. I’m more happy about the items than the Kelphi oops. ^^;

Posted 10/03/15

The kelphi will not have two poses - just the two different morphs.

Posted 10/03/15


Oops! Sorry for misgendering your pet! It’s 6am on my Saturday, and I woke up specially for this, my brain is fried!

Posted 10/03/15
Crow Thanks for the quick reply! That’s kinda neat. o:
Posted 10/03/15

Um, I’m curious about the Purple Shimmer. Is it just me or is there a missing patch of scales on its forehead?

Posted 10/03/15, edited 10/03/15

Appears to be a layering issue! I’m sure it’ll be fixed asap!

Posted 10/03/15
[@tyrian] That’s perfectly fine! (I probably would have woken up for it too if it wasn’t only going to be 1 am for me here anyway. XD)
Posted 10/03/15

That’s good to know. I was wondering why it looked like it was wearing a swimming cap. Thanks for the quick reply!

Posted 10/03/15
So morph-wise, does that mean the two morphs are ‘long tail’ and ‘fat tail’, specifically? :o Or fin vs spikes, etc? Just curious to see how that pans out in the future!
Posted 10/03/15, edited 10/03/15
[@Frey]: Their official names are river Kelphi and sea Kelphi. So the river one is the one with the long tail and fins, the sea one the scales/spikes and wider tail. I need to double check but I believe they are mix-n’-matchable!
Posted 10/03/15

They are officially River and Sea Kelph. :) river has the long fins, sea has the spines.

Edit: Ama snuck in there 8(

Posted 10/03/15, edited 10/03/15

Amaterasu Crow

Thank you to both of you, lol! I was wondering with how the body types would pan out, if the event ones had something special that ‘normal’ ones would or wouldn’t have.  But that’s pretty neat either way!

Posted 10/03/15, edited 10/03/15

Lovely lovely pets, especially the River Kelph. I still have two activities to complete, but have already managed to get both pets and each item. (The little leather journal goes perfectly with my Shygirl.)

Even if the Bone Monster was the only one to read any of it, it was nice to finally try my hand at writing some Mycena-themed fiction. And aside from a few little freakouts of mine during the first couple of puzzles (sorry ;_; ), it wasn’t as maddeningly difficult for me as it’s been in the past. AND I much appreciate being able to adopt grown pets rather than mushrooms (I have so many mushrooms waiting to be grown!).

I’ve very much enjoyed this event.

Posted 10/03/15
Glaive:  I screwed up the layering on that royally, yikes.  Purple Shimmer heads should be fixed now. *mass operation*
Posted 10/03/15

o.o Sooo prettyyyy…

Though… I’m pondering how Kelph is pronounced. o3o Is it, per chance, Kelp-ee? Like a Kelpie? Or Kel-phee ... OR is the H silent? o3o

Posted 10/03/15
I believe the correct pronunciation is ‘kelf’ and ‘kelfee’. >> at least, that’s how I say it.
Posted 10/03/15

I’m a little behind but could someone echo me a hint for the start of day 7 and am stuck on day 9? I’m really lost and suck at puzzles.

Edit: Just day 7. Managed to finish day 9.


Also used a pondshroom on a Capricious Sun and now it’s not showing ;-;

Posted 10/03/15, edited 10/03/15
so… can the khelfi wear any items other than the event items? o: because i’ve been going through the magic puddle and haven’t been able to find anything else they can wear. even stuff like autumn leaves or drifting petals, which i wouldn’t think should cause any issues because it doesn’t rely on the body at all.
Posted 10/03/15, edited 10/03/15
I really want the other kelph… if anyone could help me with day 9 or the last part of day 13 it would be very much appreciated!
Posted 10/03/15
so… can the khelfi wear any items other than the event items? o: because i’ve been going through the magic puddle baekhesten

I’ve just finished updating the items listing page, so if you look over there it will now show you which items are equippable to which species (the bubble icon indicates kelphi). Currently only these event items are equippable to kelphi, although we will be building their compatibility both forwards and backwards over the next several months.

Also used a pondshroom on a Capricious Sun and now it’s not showing ;-;Prey

Oh dear — pondshrooms and Kelphi don’t agree particularly well, since they’re aquatic and thus immune to the water magicks that imbue pondshrooms with their powers. But apparently we didn’t have a careful enough check for this so Visirar became temporarily invisible! Which… given Visirar’s name, strikes me with a certain amount of irony :D Anyway, I’ve fixed the check, cleared Visirar of the unfortunate side-effects of the pondshroom, and gave you another one to replace the one he (?) ate :)

Though… I’m pondering how Kelph is pronounced. o3o Is it, per chance, Kelp-ee? Like a Kelpie? Or Kel-phee ... OR is the H silent?Skye

I’ve been saying “kelff” for singular and “kelffie” for plural and nobody has corrected me yet, so I’m assuming it’s that!


if anyone could help me with [...] the last part of day 13 it would be very much appreciated!Competitor

She wants you to come visit her in her puddle… you may need to look for her a little, she does like to hide near the top.

Posted 10/03/15, edited 10/03/15
glitch except some items don’t have any icons at all, and others that DO show the bubble, like the swamp background, are still not equippable ;^; also, the ‘immunity’ strikes me as a weird decision due to the positioning of the paw pads and everything in the pet image— it kinda seemed like the eyes, ears and paw pads were all visible for this exact purpose? I guess I’m just wondering if their ‘immunity’ will wear off in the future or if it is a permanent feature…...
Posted 10/03/15

Could you give me an example of an equippable item that does not have any icons?
Also, whoops, my mistake on the swamp background! I just fixed it though, so your inventory will no longer stop you from equipping it to kelph :)

Posted 10/03/15, edited 10/03/15
glitch -isn’t Tarot-  The Star Stuff, Galactic Bloom, and Espiritas all seem to be iconless. :0
Posted 10/03/15

Ah! Thanks, I hadn’t noticed.
OK — at this point, all item icons should be correct :) *crosses fingers (for luck not for lying :P)*

Posted 10/03/15
I have missed so much of this event there’s no way to catch up! Ah, but the pets are beautiful, kudos to the artists! :D
Posted 10/03/15

If you play through all the Investigation days you should get enough to at least grab one of the pets. Plus, there’s still two more days to the event, so you can still do the easier Activity days (Word Search, Spot the Difference, Maze) if you’re quick to get the remaining three points.

EDIT: Sorry for ninja-ing you Dove ><

Posted 10/03/15, edited 10/03/15

BearHeart  It is not too late!!! You still have ~3 days, and the investigation days at least shoudn’t take you long. :) If you do all 7 investigation days, and just pick 3 of the activities to do (I’d suggest the maze & spot the differences to start!) you can still get a full prize pack!

I’m happy to help if you need any assistance with the investigation days. C:

EDIT: Ahhh ninja’d!

EDIT 2: Do not be silly! :‘D You are speedy like CHEETAH.

Posted 10/03/15, edited 10/03/15


Oh gosh…! Well…! I guess it would be worth a shot! I did do the first day at the very least, so..!

Okay, I’ll try the maze, word search, and spot the difference first! Thank you both for the positivism ; v;/
(Also really? 3 days? I thought it ended tomorrow…!

Edit: I forget how to @ people everytime on here, darn you FR!

Posted 10/03/15, edited 10/03/15