Shima Unfortunately, we only have the time to grade each submission once, which is why it’s important to double check / be certain of your entry before sending it! However, you shouldn’t need to worry if you miss one day as long as you continue to participate, as it is possible to obtain all of the prizes with 10 / 14 days completed.
Posted 09/25/15
Okay, this question is eating at me so I have to ask it. For prompt 4, I know it said we have to include recipe instructions? For that day, I made a wordsearch and included instructions to the puzzle as a way of working in instructions. Do the instructions have to be blatant recipe instructions such as 1. stir 2. season 3. etc.? Or is the slight creative spin alright? I’m terrified to label it complete because the instructions aren’t directly for cooking a recipe, but for solving the puzzle I made. I’d hate to have written cramped letters for an hour and scanning it all in just for a small thing like that to disqualify it.
Posted 09/25/15, edited 09/25/15
Myla I actually do have 7 circled. I can echo you if you’d like because the location of the 7th might not show that well, even though I used red to circle them?
Posted 09/25/15
Dash: A creative spin is fine — the recipe instructions were more in reference to written entries as opposed to illustrations or games like your wordsearch! :) OregonCoast: I just took a look at your entry again; your grader hadn’t counted it because one of the differences you circled wasn’t actually a difference: You had circled the brown tip of the lily pad, but those are the exact same in both pictures.
Posted 09/25/15
Thank you! I was really happy to be able to do something like this. I love cooking but was way too busy moving (Canada -> New Zealand) to participate in the recipe contest earlier this year. It was so fun trying to imagine how a simple seafood casserole could be translated into something Mycenian. :) (It’s in my entry, but I can PM you the real ingredients list/measurements if anyone wants!)
Posted 09/25/15, edited 09/25/15
Myla thank you for taking the extra look at my entry. I could have sworn the tip was different. I spotted another difference just after I sent my echo to the BoneMonster *facepalm That’s the way the shroom crumbles.
Posted 09/26/15
the spot the difference activity was super fun! it took me an hour-ish but I could only find 9 out of the 10 differences without using any help [Pooka AHEM]. but she had to tell me the last one bc I couldn’t find it ;c and it was in a spot.. I looked over and over and over a nD ovER again I’ve yet to do any activities though, asides that one [and i still have to submit it]. I’m just… so lazy rip
Posted 09/27/15
Just want to say it’s a neat and useful thing you guys did with naming the image files of the word search with our ids and putting our usernames up there. I’m sure it makes it so much easier for you to grade. Also, the word search looks delightfully hard. I might actually print it out tomorrow and do it by hand instead of with my tablet. *u*
Posted 09/28/15
glitch should be able to take a look at the wordsearch code soon to see what is going on (it figures that the night we decide to go camping is the night things break)! doragon: If you submission has not been verified by the Bone Monster, you can keep working on it (if you want to do major changes, I’d take it down while you’re working on it so it doesn’t get verified while you’re making changes)! Edit: Word search is up and running!
Posted 09/28/15, edited 09/28/15
Vysal edit: forgot the brackets. been spending too much time on the FR forums. :|
Posted 09/28/15, edited 09/28/15