20:25 ST
[EVENT] Shimmers in the Water (Sep. 19 - Oct. 3)
tehuti88 Feel free to echo me or join the spoilers chatroom! I’ve been lurking there. ^^
Posted 09/21/15, edited 09/21/15
I solved it though I don’t know how. :/ It was too quick for me to tell which ingredient was the “problem” one…
Posted 09/21/15
How do you know if you solved day 3’s puzzle?
Posted 09/21/15

If you put the ingredients in a correct order, you will be redirected back to the event page and a new clue will appear in the log. And once you find all the clues, a check mark will appear next to where it says “Day 3”. ^^

Posted 09/21/15
And finally caught up again ;w;
Posted 09/21/15
Ah man so I didn’t get it right >.> (i didn’t get redirected). Urgh.
Posted 09/21/15
ThomasOtis Feel free to check out the spoilers chat room if you need help! Or check out the link I posted on the page before this one. ^^
Posted 09/21/15
Once again I’m stuck since I think I got all but the unknown steps, but I got distracted playing cave in for nuggets.
Posted 09/21/15

Regarding the Day 4 activity…does it have to be realistic, i. e., something that would turn into a real meal (however unpalatable) should you follow the instructions? Because I know NOTHING about cooking or preparing ingredients—the reason I didn’t enter the site recipe contest a while back. Just seeing other users’ entries during that event proved how ignorant I am of preparing food of any sort. Heating up a microwave dinner is pretty much the extent of my “cooking” ability.

I could totally make up something from my imagination, but there is no guarantee it would actually work if somebody were to try putting it together in real life. When I think about it, I don’t even know basic cooking terminology, so I’m not even sure how well I could make something up.

I feel like if I use the wrong terminology or order of preparation, somebody will see through it and I’ll be disqualified. :/

Posted 09/22/15
tehuti88:  Your recipe does not have to be realistic, so feel free to be as creative as you want!  You can even use a character who is a bad cook and draw/write/etc about their experience trying to create a recipe. The recipe can be in standard measurements, or you can make up creative measurements (e.g. a fist full of river sand).  :) I imagine people who try to create a recipe for real will be gathering sticks and yard weeds and using funny colored dyes, hahaha (though count me as impressed if someone manages to make something actually tasty to humans!).  Have fun with it! :D
Posted 09/22/15, edited 09/22/15
EDIT: Just saw the post above. So that means we can use any ingredients for the recipe as long as at least 3 of the original ingredients are used right?
Posted 09/22/15, edited 09/22/15
Is every second day going to be an activity day? Was hoping I didn’t actually have to post on the forums very much. ;-;
Posted 09/22/15
I’d like to know that as well XD
Posted 09/22/15
It states in the opening post that the investigation days and activity days alternate, so I would assume so.
Posted 09/22/15, edited 09/22/15

“There will be a total of seven investigation days over the course of the event.” Ahhhhh, I hadn’t noticed that before.

Edit: So that plus the fact that it says ‘alternating’ must mean every other day is an Activity day.

Posted 09/22/15, edited 09/22/15

Diglett [@Deddo] Prey
That’s correct - tomorrow will be another investigation day, and the next day will be an activity day, so on and so on. :)

Correct! :D

Posted 09/22/15
Soo uh… I made a little flash game for day 4. Do I just link to the deviantart page of the game, or do I have to do something special? Because I just linked to the deviantart page for now. :D
Posted 09/22/15

Linking it is fine! :‘D

Posted 09/22/15

Myla, thank you for the answer, that’s a relief to know.

In one of my stories once a character prepared something called “maple bark tea.” A reader told me she’d actually tried to make that after reading about it in my story. I’m like, I totally just made that up and never would’ve figured somebody would try it. O.o It sounds good in my imagination, but in reality I doubt maple bark would be very palatable at all.

I’m just glad I didn’t write about, say, chokecherry bark tea (which would contain cyanide)! o_o;

Posted 09/22/15, edited 09/22/15
Am I the only person who is still stuck on day 1 because I have no idea who the heck ‘hopper’ is? >.<
Posted 09/22/15
[@Pluto and Drossel] there’s a chat room dedicated to helping people where spoilers are allowed allowed. If you can’t get in the chat echo me and I’ll give you a hint
Posted 09/22/15
Today’s must have been easy, I figured it out on my own. And in a reasonable amount of time, too. Scary.
Posted 09/23/15
tehuti88 Exactly what I thought. God forbid I’m getting smarter? 8’D
Posted 09/23/15

I was stuck on the 3rd step for an _embarrassing_ length of time… But when I finally got it and finished it I was just all…

And then a velociraptor ate my face for being so oblivious and massively overthinking it.

Posted 09/23/15
I feel so dumb because I can’t figure out step one today lmao
Posted 09/23/15
Me either mosh. OTL So don’t feel bad you are not the only one.
Posted 09/23/15

Feel free to echo me if you need a hint!

Posted 09/23/15
Question, do the entries for the creative days have to be linear? I’m more inspired by the second prompt than the first, and would prefer to work on that one first. I just want to make sure it would be alright for me to submit Day 4 first and then go back and do Day 2 later.
Posted 09/23/15, edited 09/23/15

obvs im not staff, but since you’re not actually required to do any given day, AND you can obviously do the puzzle days in whatever order you wish, it makes sense that you’d be allowed to do the activity days in any order you wish :>

just my logic on the matter 8D;;

Posted 09/23/15
Dashdoragon is correct; you may do activity days in any order you wish! :)
Posted 09/23/15