19:51 ST
[EVENT] Shimmers in the Water (Sep. 19 - Oct. 3)

Jeez Louise, I came up with a recipe and now I want to eat it.

*needs to get away from the computer*

Posted 09/23/15

Did I do the recipe wrong? (I did a literal recipe page from my character dahlia, not a RL recipe)

I only ask because it hasn’t been verified yet. Unless the verifier is too busy to verify it I worry I did it wrong :/

Posted 09/23/15

there are hundreds of people participating in this event, and all of the staff members have jobs and lives outside of mycenacave. i’m sure they would let you know if you DIDNT meet minimum participation!

as it is, they probably just haven’t managed to get to yours yet :D don’t fuss, myla assured me they’ll be certain to look at every single one!

Posted 09/23/15
I only ask because it hasn’t been verified yet. Unless the verifier is too busy to verify it I worry I did it wrong :/

When an entry gets looked at, either the page will get the doodles / checkmark signifying a completed page, or it’ll get an X where the checkmark would be and you’ll get an echo explaining why your entry did not meet the minimum participation requirements. If the page is still marked incomplete (i.e. no checkmark or X in the sidebar) then your entry has not been looked at yet!

Posted 09/23/15
Thank you guys! This is my first hard event (my first event was the spelunking one, I think it was spelled) so I’m not sure how stuff works. I’m used to the events where I do all the stuff without help or staff doing anything. I guess I’m used to that ^^’
Posted 09/23/15


To expand on what glitch and what doragon have said:

The day 4 entries have started to be graded today, but we have not gotten all the way through them yet because there are a lot of them, hehe.

The first time your entry is looked at by a grader, you’ll get the “Day 4: Create a Recipe submission verified” message from the Bone Monster which means you should no longer edit your entry and one of two things will occur behind-the-scenes:

  • If it’s a clear cut case of a passing entry, your initial grader will write that down in the grading sheet and Crow will come along later and award you the points.  When she does this, your entry will be marked as complete with a checkmark in your journal.
  • If your grader thinks it is an in-between case or that it doesn’t meet the objective, they will mark it as such and other graders will look, agree or disagree, provide comments, and come to a final decision.  If you don’t get points for the day, you will be messaged with specifics as to why, and an X (instead of a checkmark) will appear by the day.
Posted 09/23/15

I’ve uploaded an image to Imgur, but apparently they’ve changed how the site works. I can’t figure out where to get the tag to post the image in a private message, e-mail, or post. Under “Post options” it only has “Embed post,” and the link it gives me isn’t in the right format (not BBCode or whatever), and there are no options to resize or anything, and I just have no clue how to use any of the site anymore. It’s completely different from the last time I used it. :(

UGH it wasn’t broken, why did they fix it??

ETA, even the help section doesn’t have any information about posting/hotlinking your Imgur images offsite…so frustrating. :(

Posted 09/24/15, edited 09/24/15
Posted 09/24/15

Thank you for the tutorial, though it didn’t quite work that way for me; after I submit the image it takes me to a different sort of page (not a “share” page) where the only options available are to publish the image publicly, and to “Embed image,” with some wonky HTML code I’ve never seen used before. :/ There are no options for “Share this image,” resizing, BBCode, etc. I don’t know why my screen looks so very different from the one in the tutorial.

When I gave up on that and just clicked on the “Images” link on my profile, it brought me to my uploaded images (I’d deleted the first attempt, but it was still there somehow)...I deleted those and tried uploading it again. When I go to the images via my profile, it shows me in a popup (I can’t go to the image page itself) where I can find the BBCode and whatnot, but none of that is available when I first upload the image, or on the image page, as shown in the tutorial.

And NOW I notice an option to “Generate image links”! (And I still have no idea how to navigate to the individual images anymore.)

I think I’ve finally found out where the link is, but…I wonder why they decided to make the site so complicated to use? It used to be quite easy. :/

Posted 09/24/15, edited 09/24/15

And how depressing the site is, when I published the image publicly thinking that would provide the links, somebody immediately downvoted it (how on Earth did anyone even notice it among the slews of other images??), and the site says I am -7 and “Forever Alone.” My ego really needed that. :/

This is why I don’t do social networks.

*goes to bed*

Posted 09/24/15, edited 09/24/15

Between the last bit of yesterday’s and today’s activities, my eyes are killing me.

Posted 09/24/15
Agreed…for whoever thought the red for yesterday was a good idea…I hope you spend the rest of your life with no cake!! >888888C all of my eyeballs were hurting after that
Posted 09/24/15

Hyuk. When it comes to quick events like this, I just use puush or tinypic. If I’m desperate for long term image hosting, I use photobucket.

Anyway, I’m having a great time so far. They’re not too hard or super easy and the alternating activities gives a fun balance.

Posted 09/24/15
Im knew to Mycena I joined in August and this is my first event. Well Im kinda stuck on Day 1. It says to find Hopper and I don’t understand?
Posted 09/24/15
kinsenyour379 Feel free to PM me if you still need help <3
Posted 09/24/15
I feel really dumb right now. I can only find three differences in that picture. I think I need help.
Posted 09/24/15
Some of the differences between the pictures are really subtle. I’m not sure I got them all, but at least two of them made me do a double take because I wasn’t sure if there was any difference at all.
Posted 09/24/15

I didn’t know where else to put this, but I ended up being really proud of the recipe I came up with.

Food pic in the spoiler

Doesn’t it look tasty?!?

(ps it was really tasty)

Posted 09/25/15
Jacq Ooh, that does look tasty. :o
Posted 09/25/15
Jacq Oh no, now I’m going to have to make a grocery run and make that soon. Those “crab shells” look super tasty!
Posted 09/25/15
soft crying because I can’t use things with sound at work
Posted 09/25/15

Im stuck on the first sound for day 7

could anyone echo me a hint?

Edit! Got it! Thank you!

Posted 09/25/15, edited 09/25/15
So sad because I got my first x for the Spot the differences =(  I guess I didn’t find them all or enough? 
Posted 09/25/15

For day 2 (Hearsay) would it be okay if I just drew a picture of the “monster” or does their need to be be writing in my entry too?

Posted 09/25/15

OregonCoast:  I believe you had only circled six instead of seven things!  A couple people have done that. D:

talicinx: That’s correct!  Writing is not necessary so just a picture of a monster would be great OuO

Posted 09/25/15, edited 09/25/15
I would really like to see an image that has *all* of the differences circled when the even it over! Just saying 8D
Posted 09/25/15
Seconding OverTheWolf I want to see what I missed :‘D
Posted 09/25/15
OverTheWolf mosh Sure!  Just give me another ping if I forget. :)  There are 10 differences that you can potentially find!
Posted 09/25/15, edited 09/25/15


Did you manage to figure out how imgur works? It sounds like you have an account, so if you’re logged in when you upload your image, it should show up when you click on “images” on the dropdown menu from your username on the top right. Clicking on the thumbnail should bring up a popup with all relevant links. You don’t have to send the bbc code if there isn’t any. I’m sure the Bone Monster can click on a link as well, if that’s the only image source you can get.

If imgur still isn’t working, try using photobucket! It’s got a lot of ads, but I’ve had an account there since ‘08 and my images are STILL there.

Posted 09/25/15, edited 09/25/15
I’m sorry if this has been asked, but if we don’t get credit, can we submit again? Like if you don’t think it fits our participation requirements or we are actually wrong about some differences, or something along those lines.
Posted 09/25/15