18:47 ST
[EVENT] Marcy's Harvest Festival (Oct. 31st - Nov. 9th)
@Fusida Woah, thank you! Seems like I can never catch my own typos Dx
Posted 11/01/15

Juney [@Reili] I was wondering about those shrooms and hoping : ) I think I will wait to the end to open mine.
Tarot it took me a bit to get that question.

Posted 11/01/15
Posted 11/01/15
Posted 11/01/15
Thorne huh sorry what question did you mean? :0
Posted 11/01/15
Tarot your pic you posted here
Posted 11/01/15
Thorne I posted a pic of birdy beads, you must mean someone else xP
Posted 11/01/15
Tarot nope that was the one I meant
Posted 11/01/15
So I’m at straw soldier and it says I’ll get one random event item. Do we have to get up to the top rank to get all of them? One of each event item, I mean?
Posted 11/01/15

Losty I think so
Foolish Scholarcrows, asking me Nintendo questions LOL!

Posted 11/01/15
I wish I could at least go up a level or something so I feel like I’m actually getting somewhere. u.u Or that there was a progress bar saying how far I was to a level or how many I’d defeated. It is kind of discouraging to have no idea what sort of progress I, personally, have made. u.u;
Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15

Thorne No sleep for me, in that case. Thanks!

Also, I want Nintendo questions…I got trivia about a mud battery. Nintendo>mud batteries.

Posted 11/01/15

I asked the same question too, Losty, but I think it got buried in the ‘crow glitch last night xP
So I’m guessing there is the Pumpkin Medal, 1-6 “randomized” items with no duplicates and a coat.

Has anyone managed to make it to Rank 2 yet?
I don’t think I’ll be able to until late tonight at this rate OTL

Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15
Akira on the opener thinger it has details but basically that. 6 levels. straw man is level 1.
Posted 11/01/15
Akira It took the majority of people approx. 17-19 hours to get to Straw Soldier (if I remember right, I’m too lazy to actually check. But I do remember I reached it around 7/8 last night) so I doubt anyone will reach rank two until late tonight, especially if the amount of soldiers you have to defeat increases each rank.
Posted 11/01/15
Asfhgsggh. I only JUST hit Straw Soldier this last fight. *dies* I do hope that people who have things like work that don’t allow them to be on here sixteen hours a day have a chance at getting more than like level three. x.x
Posted 11/01/15
A few quick updates have been added to the Main Informational Post!
  • There will be six achievable ranks not including Pile of Hay, and the higher your rank, the more unique prizes you will receive.
  • You will not need to reach the top rank to receive all unique 2015 items. A bonus incentive has been added to the final rank for those who manage to reach it.
Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15

Wow mean scholarcrows giving me the hardest word scramble ever :( :( :(

(j/k haha)

Posted 11/01/15

Oh gods, that was just awful of them!

Oh man, you should have seen the one that scrambled ‘Obi’ for me earlier. So hard three letters! XD XD XD
Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15

Astrid scurried into to the barn, straw from her kills sticking to her fur. She sheathed her rapier and eyed Farmer Marcy. She commended his skill to lead a battle so effectively. His determination to defend his land was so admirable. Those qualities, paired with his pretty fur and strong muscles from years of hard work made him the most praiseworthy guy she’d ever met. She smiled as she padded over to him, plucking up the courage to do something she’d wanted to do for the last day. “Hello Farmer Marcy! I was just wondering, will you marry me?”

Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15

Mine was even harder…


Quick, puny ineki!
What item’s name have I scrambled?

You won! How is this possible?
How could you have defeated me?!”

...Should I tell him? Poor ‘crow. xD

e/ Ooooh a proposal. *Waits for Marcy’s response*

Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15
And up a level! Baleful Brawler
Posted 11/01/15
Congratulations Thorne, that’s awesome! 8D
Posted 11/01/15

LOL alliegator I think I know who you were fighting.

Posted 11/01/15
LOL oh my god haha. THE MYSTERY. Whatever could it be??


Omg nice xD I guess he was a scholar of pop culture haha
Posted 11/01/15
Finally a straw solder~!
Posted 11/01/15
Thank you Dove I was really excited when it popped up!
Posted 11/01/15
Baleful Brawler is me! :D
Posted 11/01/15





“Oh! Well. That’s…unexpected, but I’m very flattered. You’re a lovely creature with, I’m sure, an equally lovely personality, and I’d love to get to know you better. I’m afraid my affections are already taken, though. There’s a certain dapper Drasillis with the most beautiful laugh who I simply can’t get out of my head — but if it weren’t for her, I’m sure I’d say yes!”
Posted 11/01/15
A new update has been added to the Main Informational Post!
  • In response to player desire to know where they ‘stand’ within your tier - Marcy will now give you some feedback based on how close you are to ranking up! Marcy will become more excited the more Scholarcrows you defeat between ranks.
Posted 11/01/15