18:43 ST
[EVENT] Marcy's Harvest Festival (Oct. 31st - Nov. 9th)

Hawkins That…is not far from what actually happened. >_>

It even involved the SACRED glitch number that comes with great responsibility and power. :|

Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15
Hawkins I had this image of Myla running through darkened city streets in a bathrobe, slippers, and hair curlers, screaming “GLITCH! GLITCH! DAYLIGHT SAVINGS RUINED US!” when I first heard contact with her had been established. lol
Posted 11/01/15
OH SNAP is there, like, a big red emergency phone?  :0
Posted 11/01/15
Ahahha, panic summoning rituals in the middle of the night. >_>;;;
Posted 11/01/15


Yes, we got several phone calls but we didn’t have our phones on us for once.  A long attempted Skype call from Juney finally got my attention. 8) <333

Posted 11/01/15
Hawkins More like a big blue emergency Skype call of persistence. :D;;
Posted 11/01/15

Awwhh </3

This is what you sillies get for trying to sleep or whatever :‘D swift justice via scholarcrows.

edit: pfft Ama close enough c’:

Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15
I think its fixed :D
Posted 11/01/15
It looks like it is
Posted 11/01/15

Phew! Everything’s been sorted out. This is what I get for assuming that 02:00 follows 01:59, one of the classic blunders D:

Here’s how we resolved things:

  1. For all scholarcrow battles after 1am, if the scholarcrow was created less than 30 minutes after the previous battle for that same player ended, the battle was deleted.
  2. If any deleted battle resulted in a baggie prize, that baggie (or whatever it contained if it was opened) got deleted
  3. Dr. Crow’s morale has been restored to its correct value.

Sorry for the hiccup, everyone!

Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15
Well done. And thank you for your dedication!
Posted 11/01/15
glitch my non-glitched item was deleted :(
Posted 11/01/15
Thanks Glitch for getting this sorted out! c:
Posted 11/01/15

glitch I’m having the same problem as Fie95. My hat got deleted even though I opened it a long while before DST.

I’m going through the chatlogs for a timestamp now.

edit: This is from the chat room. The time stamp puts it way before the errors. I’m sure I fought at least one more ‘crow before the timer glitched.
[19:17:11] Jacq: You opened a Bag of Halloweens Past to find a Little Bat Hat! yesssssssssssss <3
[19:17:18] mgrmgr: aww jacq that’s awesome!

It was a really cute hat, is all ;-;

Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15

JacqFie95 glitch is going through the logs more carefully now that the event is running again.  Nothing is permanently gone yet!

Edit:  He said he found 4 things he needs to return to various people. :)

Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15
Posted 11/01/15

Good to know. Though I may not have opened mine if I’d expected it to stay. If returning a bag is easier than returning an item, I’d take the bag. Either way, I’m happy to walk away with anything.

Thanks again.

Posted 11/01/15

Yaaaay my hat came back!! Thank you Myla, thank you Glitch <3

(no pings because I’m sure you’ve had your fill, lol)

Posted 11/01/15

<333 Legit bag/items should be back now, and the bags are openable again!

*creeps off to sleepy land* I think all of the fires are out…hopefully…= w =

Posted 11/01/15

Myla guess that means mine isn’t coming back :/ it was legit though so that’s rather sucky


Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15

ok I have a confession.

On the banner, that fox ineki is running away from a scarecow. But the pumpkin behind (or maybe it’s the far leg?) is placed JUST SO. And to my brain, it looks like Marcy (Darcy?) has some udders or something. And I can’t “unsee” it.

I’m sorry not sorry

Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15
Fie95:  Oops, yeah, I had just posted a bit too early!
Posted 11/01/15
I got a second one! YAY! *stares at Halloween bag* I don’t know if I should open it. What items could be in it?
Posted 11/01/15

scours through ‘crow remains for halloween bags ;; come to mama baggies

Thorne Oooooh, are you going to save up your bags to open at the end of the event?

Posted 11/01/15
Thorne; Myla confirmed in this post right here that the bags contain all Halloween 2013 and 2014 event items c:! (I do believe that includes coat mushrooms, too, but I’m not 100% certain.)
Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15
Jacq; That’s actually Marcy’s leg >u>; It’s very hard to see since he’s so small, but that’s the ‘knee’ portio of his leg!
Posted 11/01/15

...giggles over the ‘udders’  I thought I was the only one who’d seen that at a glance.  Plasma’s right, it’s actually Marcy’s inner thigh, but it does remind me of the Tillamook cows.  Sorry Marcy….

I’m sorry the Daylight Savings Time thing messed up the timer, but Thank you!  Now I know to go through and roll back my clocks =)  yeahhh for extra hour!

Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15

....Is this a glitch, or did I do something wrong, urgh D:

Posted 11/01/15
@muffler you wrote gLided instead of giLded ;)
Posted 11/01/15


Posted 11/01/15