Hawkins I had this image of Myla running through darkened city streets in a bathrobe, slippers, and hair curlers, screaming “GLITCH! GLITCH! DAYLIGHT SAVINGS RUINED US!” when I first heard contact with her had been established. lol
Posted 11/01/15
XD!!!! Yes, we got several phone calls but we didn’t have our phones on us for once. A long attempted Skype call from Juney finally got my attention. 8) <333
Posted 11/01/15
Phew! Everything’s been sorted out. This is what I get for assuming that 02:00 follows 01:59, one of the classic blunders D: Here’s how we resolved things:
Sorry for the hiccup, everyone!
Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15
glitch I’m having the same problem as Fie95. My hat got deleted even though I opened it a long while before DST. I’m going through the chatlogs for a timestamp now. edit: This is from the chat room. The time stamp puts it way before the errors. I’m sure I fought at least one more ‘crow before the timer glitched.
Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15
Myla guess that means mine isn’t coming back :/ it was legit though so that’s rather sucky EDIT: ITS BACK OMGOMGOMGOGMOMGOMG :D -is very happy-
Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15
ok I have a confession. On the banner, that fox ineki is running away from a scarecow. But the pumpkin behind (or maybe it’s the far leg?) is placed JUST SO. And to my brain, it looks like Marcy (Darcy?) has some udders or something. And I can’t “unsee” it. I’m sorry
Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15
scours through ‘crow remains for halloween bags ;; come to mama baggies Thorne Oooooh, are you going to save up your bags to open at the end of the event?
Posted 11/01/15
Thorne; Myla confirmed in this post right here that the bags contain all Halloween 2013 and 2014 event items c:! (I do believe that includes coat mushrooms, too, but I’m not 100% certain.)
Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15
Jacq; That’s actually Marcy’s leg >u>; It’s very hard to see since he’s so small, but that’s the ‘knee’ portio of his leg!
Posted 11/01/15
...giggles over the ‘udders’ I thought I was the only one who’d seen that at a glance. Plasma’s right, it’s actually Marcy’s inner thigh, but it does remind me of the Tillamook cows. Sorry Marcy…. I’m sorry the Daylight Savings Time thing messed up the timer, but Thank you! Now I know to go through and roll back my clocks =) yeahhh for extra hour!
Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15