05:51 ST
[EVENT] Marcy's Harvest Festival (Oct. 31st - Nov. 9th)
._. Uh, guys, how long does it take to get past the “Pile of Hay” achievement?
Posted 11/03/15
so, I’m at the “straw soldier” level….and I still haven’t won anything….is this normal…?
Posted 11/03/15

Up until at least Strawman Strangler level at least, all ranks have the same amount of scholarcrows defeated until you rank up. ^_^

...And that number is 25 crows/level.
Posted 11/03/15, edited 11/03/15
polygone I have been at Hamhanded Haymaker since 0500 this morning (15 hours). I played at least three times this morning and once an hour until around 1300. I think I have gotten to play every 30 minutes since 1500. The encouragement thing has not changed.
Posted 11/03/15

I’m in the same boat as Thorne. I’m at the Hamhanded Haymaker rank, and I’m pretty sure I’ve defeated at least 20 scholarcrows (definitely no less than 18), but my encouragement from Darcy still says “I can’t believe how many scholarcrows you’ve defeated! Defeat more scholarcrows to increase your reward tier!”

Is the distance to the next rank so much greater than the previous ranks, or is there something else happening?

Posted 11/03/15, edited 11/03/15

^ I came to this thread with the same question.
I thought I was trippin e.e

Posted 11/03/15
Akira Jacq I am a bit concerned at this point. This is what, level four?
Posted 11/03/15
Ooh the Shakespeare question tripped me up a bit x3 I consider myself to be quite a Shakespearean, but the answer lay in the one big play of his that I’m not too familiar with. x3 Nicely done.
Posted 11/03/15

Yeah. I have a running list on my profile.

Posted 11/03/15, edited 11/03/15

Well I did say it was up to Strawman Strangler at the least. Haven’t gotten to Hamhanded so I haven’t been able to count how many to get to that and beyond. It’s a guess that it’s the same further on, but I can’t say since I haven’t gotten there.

That does seem odd though, perhaps a staff member could clarify? .-.

Posted 11/03/15
Thorne “I can’t believe how many scholarcrows you’ve defeated!” is it says for me, too, even though I JUST got to Hamhanded Haymaker, and should therefore theoretically be the “you just got started here” one. Maybe it’s stuck?
Posted 11/03/15, edited 11/03/15

glitch? Any help? :s

Posted 11/03/15

Oooh, I seem to have managed to take out the 21,000th crow! How exciting!

(All this stuff about the Hamhanded business has me kind of nervous too. I haven’t even hit Strawman yet and I was hoping to at least be able to get coat and some items, but it’s like either/or unless you get to level 5+... x.x)

Posted 11/03/15
Quick update: we will check in to make sure the indicator is functioning properly at this time :) your crows should still be counting either way, so no reason to panic <3 Good luck everyone!
Posted 11/03/15, edited 11/03/15
Losty same with mine. It has not changed all day
Posted 11/03/15
Haymaker did in fact have a glitched indicator, and it should now be fixed. Have fun!
Posted 11/03/15
Dove Thank you!
Posted 11/03/15

Dove Thank you! I am now at:
Freeeow! You’re over halfway there! Defeat more scholarcrows to increase your reward tier!

Posted 11/03/15
Posted 11/04/15

Congrats Lizzard! :D

e/ Made it to ham-handed haymaker! Hooray!

It is also 25 ‘crows to get to this rank. Theory on crows per level is holding strong. :3
Posted 11/04/15, edited 11/04/15

I’m starting to think Haymaker is like purgatory. I’ve been at this rank since yesterday afternoon, been grinding away off and on during the 12 hour shift I just got off, and only just got “Wow! You’re almost half-way to the next tier!”

I’m really starting to think this tier is like, doubled compared to the previous ones

Posted 11/04/15
Ew don’t say that hina
Posted 11/04/15
Uh, that lionfish question was a bit misleading. I wish the wait time was shorter after failing. >u>
Posted 11/04/15

We’ve got a new sneakpeak at the prizes ! :D

Now I’ll have something to take revenge on for the lack of bags dropping *evil laughter*

Posted 11/04/15
*sets down pitchfork…yeahh!  I made it to Hamfisted Haymaker ^.^  good thing too as I have the farrier coming today.  Sigh, real life gets in the way of event stuffies…..
Posted 11/04/15

Um… Help?

Did I do something wrong that I’m just too tired to see or is that a glitch?

Posted 11/04/15
Nephele: In this case you had two spaces between two of the words. The page telling you that you got it wrong isn’t showing you that, because HTML collapses multiple spaces into single spaces (I’ll fix that, because this situation really is confusing!). To avoid this kind problem, check your submission carefully for typos before you submit, because having multiple spaces between words will cause a mis-match.
Posted 11/04/15, edited 11/04/15

I am also a Strawman strangler with no drops yet ! ):
Really hoping I get one soon!

Posted 11/04/15
Ah, okay. Thank you glitch!
Posted 11/04/15
I’m at Haymaker with no drops still so bleh. xD
Posted 11/04/15