08:30 ST
[UPDATE] Giant code push (report bugs here)
As Jacq pointed out with the uncarved pets, I noticed the changes too and not just in the smaller images. The larger images now have color (albeit a very darkened color) that makes it possible to easily differentiate some of the uncarved pets that used to be very difficult to tell apart. This wasn’t something I was ever able to do before and is pretty cool if you ask me.
Posted 01/19/16
Ally, I know it’s probably a glitch, but I’m enjoying it while it lasts. xD
Posted 01/19/16
ina seems to have lost her pondshroom paws! the ears and eyes are still there.
Posted 01/19/16, edited 01/19/16
I’m at my dorm now, it would seem that whatever is causing the issue with the iPad and other devices at my house is likely with our server or router somehow because the site is working perfectly with my iPad here.
Posted 01/19/16
Ally: Yep! Babies can now be used as forum avatars :)
Posted 01/19/16

If this was already addressed I’m sorry. X3;;;

But I have these two babs paired together:

A carved Tanuki and an uncarved Northern Wind.

But this is what they look like together:

He is uncarved in the geness!!! And his being uncarved is basically the whole point of them being paired together… I don’t know if anyone else has any issue with this because I don’t know anyone else with an uncarved pet in a geness, since most people want to see their babs I guess :‘3 but ahhh… I hope this isn’t permanant? ^^;;; (on another note, but not one I think is a glitch I guess, he looks much lighter now than I remember hm…)

Posted 01/19/16
Excited, thank you~ now looking much more forward to future sprouts! Baby inekis are my second favorite lineart so I can’t wait. :3 Really can’t wait for Dante now!
Posted 01/19/16
Hmmm the new Sweet Blossom sprout is not having a good time right now.
Posted 01/19/16
Seascape seems… off
Posted 01/19/16


If you unequip and re-equip it should fix itself I think (if you had the same problem of the front portion being missing)

Posted 01/19/16

-Sid:  We have an entirely new interface for uploading pets and items, so the first few uploads are slow-going as we work out all the kinks!  Ploo’s sprout is our lucky test sprout… :D;  *patpats it as it goes through the process of uploading*

Condor: It is likely seascape is broken since we had to do some funny stuff to it when it was originally uploaded.  I’ll take a look tomorrow!

Blemy:  I’m sure we can have that fixed because it doesn’t make any sense to have a pet be a mix between uncarved and carved. :)

Posted 01/19/16, edited 01/20/16

Blemy: How did you get a stone pet into a geness? That’s not supposed to be possible o_O

Edit: ah I see — geness made, and then petrification shroom fed? That wasn’t supposed to be possible, but I have to admit it’s a cool plot device, so I’ll update geness images to support stone-form pets :)

Posted 01/20/16, edited 01/20/16

I broke a thing >>;;

I was trying to edit Blac’s profile and this happened when I previewed:

Posted 01/20/16, edited 01/20/16
Hawkins Thanks for the heads up! Fixed :)
Posted 01/20/16
Pondshroom stuff should be fixed now too :)
Posted 01/20/16
glitch Hmn, one of my pets is still missing her pondshroom bits. (Specifically, blue eyes and claws) Did she maybe get left out cuz she’s a Drasillis? o.o;
Posted 01/20/16

Promise: Ah yes, thanks for catching that! Dras pondshroom effects have been fixed as well.

Also geness images — those should be good too :)

Posted 01/20/16

It appears that the Bone Monster has ceased to be a monster and now has a human avatar :‘D

Screenshot for posterity! I just want this image to be preserved even after the avatar’s fixed.

Posted 01/21/16
*growls* sometimes I go incognito!
Posted 01/21/16


I’m still unable to click items and pets. Still no error messages, just inability to click things. Spellstones, fishing, bank, cave exchange ; all of those still work for me!

Edit;; Crafting works too, but I can’t sell the CanCan I made.

Posted 01/21/16, edited 01/21/16
I’ve been selling my fishies and moving items to their pockets today and a couple of times I was redirected to a white page for no reason, it looked like I tried to refresh without confirming that I want to do whatever I just did again? Can’t remember what it said exactly. >u>
Posted 01/21/16

Diamondshine101: I can’t reproduce any of the issues you describe, nor has anybody else whom I’ve asked, so I suspect the problem might be on your end somehow? If you can, see if the problem persists when you try from another browser / computer / device.

Rhyme: did the white page say anything on it, or was it just blank? Next time it happens, please note down the URL and let me know by echo :)

Posted 01/22/16

I’m actually experiencing this on my work computer as well

Posted 01/22/16

It did show some error, but I can’t remember what it said… I’ll be sure to let you know if I get it again!
As for the url, I believe it didn’t change! I could actually refresh and get the pop-up asking if I wanted to resubmit, then clicking yes would take me to the page that says the item doesn’t exist (because I sold it).

Posted 01/22/16


I dunno if it’s intentional, but they way your pets look on your profile makes it seem like their saturation was blown then heavily washed out :D

(also you returned spoony to their original color after being blue for so long omg)

Posted 01/22/16

-Sid hee hee it’s intentional :D

moshDiamondshine101 Interesting… do you have Javascript enabled? It’s necessary for clicking on items to do anything. As for the pets on your profiles, those are just regular links like any other — are they not working as links for you? (that is, does your mouse pointer stay not-the-cursor-that-you-see-when-you’re-over-a-link when you hover over them?)

Posted 01/22/16, edited 01/22/16
glitch I’m magic *3* Ahaha. But- “Also geness images—those should be good too :)” Was that including uncarved pets or nah? Because my carved/uncarved geness still looks the same. Just letting you know in case that was supposed to be included, otherwise I’ll shush, not meaning to sound impatient or anything ^^;
Posted 01/22/16

I kida hope it’s not a bug, but I’m not sure since I haven’t found any other pets with this option, but the peacock spider’s legs are removable.

Is this intended? It’s really cool and I can’t wait to see what other options that opens up for future pets! :D

Posted 01/22/16, edited 01/22/16
Oooo, the Lily of the Valley’s bow is removable too :0
Posted 01/22/16

Blemy No I haven’t gotten to that yet — just the sizing and spacing and clipping issues have been fixed.

Jacq Definitely not a bug! :D We’ll be working our way through event coats, allowing edits to be turned off

Posted 01/22/16