18:42 ST
[EVENT] Marcy's Harvest Festival (Oct. 31st - Nov. 9th)


ooh, yeah, shoot, I feel dumb. I don’t know why I didn’t do that first, lol. Thank you. :)

Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15
Oooh, we have a (straw) hat!
Posted 11/01/15

I’m having trouble. I’ve gotten a bunch of the math problems. I’m entering the right numbers but apparently I’m using the quotes or something wrong. I’ve tried using quotes. I get it wrong. I’ve tried using just apostrophes and I get it wrong.

Can someone please tell me exactly how I’m supposed to enter it.

(No, it’s not a matter of numbers. When it tells me I’m wrong, I check. It’s always a quote problem.)

Am I just going crazy? What in the world am I doing wrong?

Posted 11/01/15
Only enter numbers & use the “-” for negatives, no quotes or other symbols should be used to answer the math problems. Hope that helps!
Posted 11/01/15
vihuff: The math questions never have any quotes: the input box says: “(digits and ‘-’ only!)”. You only need to enter positive or negative whole numbers.
Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15

vihuff  You mean… you’re using apostrophes and such when you put in your answer? :0 When you answer the math questions you literally just want to put in the number, and a negative sign if the answer is negative.  Nothing else or it’ll be marked wrong!

edit: -shakes fist at the actually important question answering people-

Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15

I see a second item : )
Some one ping me if you want to see it

Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15

Urg. It’s the suggestions that keep throwing me off. When it tells you that you can use hyphens, (  “-”  ) I thought it meant you to use that group of symbols. And then when it tells you you’re wrong it uses quotes on the right answers.

Am I really the only stupid person that screwed this up? I feel dumb. I mean. They were part of the instructions. Maybe written instructions would work better next time. And not using them on the right answers. It was the fact that they were used that threw me off. Made me think that I had to use them.

Thanks guys. At least I can progress now. Ugh. I feel so dumb.

Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15


The short-faced bears in the question are supposed to refer to the genus Arctodus rather than the subfamily Tremarctinae.  You raise a good point that it is misleading, and that question has been removed. :)

Posted 11/01/15
Baleful Brawler reached, whoo!
Posted 11/01/15
Straw hat. There’s a straw hat. I want that straw hat. Guys look preview two was released. It’s a straw hat. Wants.
Posted 11/01/15

This is now on the list of items and showed up on my page for Baleful Brawler.

Posted 11/01/15

@myla (not pinging since its not an urgent reply haha) ohh i see! its not something i was familiar with when i googled, so it was a little bit of a head scratcher.

anyway i cant believe this but i keep getting distracted…like i went to open up my calculator for a math question and somewhere on my way to the start menu i ended up in photoshop thumbnailing a comic page for something self indulgent for an hour. every time this happens im like “man, the bell hasn’t rung in a while” and then i go to the page to find the scarecrow patiently waiting on my answer.
focusing on something im supposed to be doing has never been one of my strong points.

Posted 11/02/15

I havent gotten any bags yet either, but I’m holding out.

I also havent set my manual clocks back yet so i keep thinking its a lot later than it is and panicking a little.

Edit: I forgot! i havent had any timer lag so far tonight either.

Posted 11/02/15, edited 11/02/15

just out of curiosity, but has anyone gotten more than one bag? is it even possible?
i sure would love another one hehe.

Posted 11/02/15
There have been a couple of users who’ve gotten multiple bags. :3
Posted 11/02/15
ah sweet! i hope i manage to get my hands on another one. |D
Posted 11/02/15
Man it’s really tough to keep playing when I’m not getting any items to play with or points to even look at. I feel like I’m answering all these questions for nothing. Is there a reason we can’t see exactly how many scarecrows we’ve defeated?
Posted 11/02/15

New rank!

Reward Tier: Strawman Strangler
You’ll receive a Pumpkin Medal, PLUS five other randomly selected event items (no duplicates)

Whoah…. it’s a little mean o.o

Posted 11/02/15
Okayyy… I’ve got a question about

What on earth section of that item IS that taken from? Or was the wrong image linked to the wrong answer maybe? Because I dunno about anyone else, but on MY screen, the image of the item that was the correct answer is shades of black AND has definite noticable patterns/markings… And I don’t see ANY place in that image that the teaser could come from with zero gradient difference… And the “Guess this item” teaser is SOLID flat color, zero gradient. Unless the spot it’s take from is only a few pixles wide/tall? And if that’s the case, why is ONLY this image that small of a sample?

Posted 11/02/15
I just got an item identification question about a fish and I just want to say I am pleased. I recognized that fish face immediately, and I don’t know why but I’m just glad that the fish are included. Up until now I only had items and mushrooms. I am glad also that most of the questions I’ve gotten have been item identification or scramble questions, since I can answer those a lot of times without looking them up. :D
Posted 11/02/15
strawman strangler
Posted 11/02/15

Yayyy, finally got my first bag! :D -Got a Shadow’s Sigil from it eee-

I’m Baleful Brawler now, and today is the first day I’m not going out/working so I’m relatively pleased with my progress so far :D.

Posted 11/02/15

Skye It seems there’s a common problem a couple people reported where the samples show up darker than the actual item is…but this is one case where it’s very unfortunate!

Also, those of you who recognize something right off, don’t be like me and not double check the name…I definitely got a word scramble wrong where the correct answer was Skull Earrings and I didn’t bother to double check the name so came out with…Skull Earring.  Granted I could have also seen the ‘s’ in the second part of the scramble but I’m not great at them. e-e;;

Posted 11/02/15

My images have been like..all scars and mushrooms.

Also can I get video game trivia questions. ;n; Not these dumb questions about mushrooms and the Nile.

Posted 11/02/15

Gosh, I did the exact same mistake with wind chime earrings on the first day… I’m not proud. :I (I’d actually typed “earrings” at first… but then thought that there was only one earring. >u>;)

Posted 11/02/15, edited 11/02/15
I have thankfully only missed a few so I can’t complain. I owe my Strangler status to those right answers and many many hours of play. Two bags so far and I hope I am lucky enough to get shadows sigil or the rabies item or rattling chains or anything I don’t have really. I am super enjoying the event I just wish I had more time to play.
Posted 11/02/15

I missed a Fur Mantle question because I didn’t double check my spelling x.x so yes, it does pay to pause a few seconds to double check.  I’m still kicking myself over it! 

All in all I’m really enjoying the event.  About the only thing I’m still grumbling over is the misconception that all mushrooms grow best in Full shade or dark.  They do not -.-  the ones we grow, perform best in bright diffused lighting, so Partial shade/sun.  Never full sunlight if it can be avoided of course, but the brighter the light, the bigger the mushroom typically.

Posted 11/02/15

The best we can figure out with the dark images is that maybe incorrect color profiles are what is causing the darkening issue.  I should have time to play with that today and see if I can save icon images in a way that doesn’t cause the darkening of some. :|


Information that I’ve researched indicates that most mushroom species do best in low light, though cultivated varieties are often encouraged to produce fruiting bodies with a light source and the light source is subsequently left on for ~12 hour cycles (depending on the variety).  Mushrooms don’t photosynthesize and thus light is not required for growth.  However, light can help mushrooms to spawn and orient in the correct growing direction in some cases.  I’m sure there are some exceptions to this, especially with cultivated varieties.  If you find a paper that shows contrary to what I’m saying for the majority of mushrooms, I’d be happy to remove the question. :)
Posted 11/02/15
That was scary. What happened?
Posted 11/02/15