02:31 ST
[UPDATE] Giant code push (report bugs here)
Chimerical: the avatar bg items shouldn’t be vanishing from your inventory when applying them. I’ll see what’s going on :)
Posted 01/19/16

Thank you for all your hard work, glitch! I’m going to have fun playing around with item layering :D

[@Past-ett] No, no, this is at it should be. It used to be that my fire was mostly birb; now it’s finally getting its turn to shine ;)

Posted 01/19/16

Behold!!!!!!! My true form is revealed!! /Cackles.
Prose‘s fire wins though. Too hot.

Thanks for all your hard work, glitch!!! Hang in there! I can’t wait to try out these new features *___*

Posted 01/19/16

I dunno if this is intentional, but my uncarved pets appear to have been acid-washed.

I found Macaria’s pondshroom paws xD

Posted 01/19/16, edited 01/19/16
It very well may be just me, but since the code push, Mycena has gone from normal speed to super slow. Some pages have taken almost a full minute to load. No other websites have been having issues, so this does seem unique to MC for me.
Posted 01/19/16

/peeks in 8)

For those who have pets that aren’t showing equipped items (but the items are visible when you click their profile), “refreshing” their equipped items by playing with the layering did the trick for me!

Also, a small thing: the main page still shows an old style news snippet, rather than the latest announcement.

Thank you so much for all your hard work on this new feature, glitch!! It’s super neat and I’m really excited for it! :D

Posted 01/19/16
I just tried to feed a mushroom to a pet, and got an error message
Posted 01/19/16

Chimerical: Your inventory still contains the three avatar background items (you can find them easily by ctrl-F’ing for “avatar”). What is it that you’re missing?

Jacq: Previously the stone form of the large versions vs small versions weren’t consistent with each other, this update makes them consistent (the small version changed appearance to match the large one). Could that be what you’re seeing?

Mori: Is it consistently slow or just intermittently? It can slow down quite a bit while I’m using a lot of CPU crunching through all the items / coats when fixing some of these bugs, but usually that’s just for a minute or two at a time, and not particularly frequent.

romanova: Which mushroom / pet did you experience that with? Feeding a mushroom to one of my pets worked fine, but there may be something about one of your pets causing it to fail… let me know :) Ah I see it was a Halloween mushroom — the problem is fixed, so try feeding your pet the mushroom one more time!

Eluii: Thanks! That’s been updated :)

Posted 01/19/16, edited 01/19/16
Ah, got ‘em. Thanks!
Posted 01/19/16
Oooh nice! Thank you for this! Looks like things are working fine for me ; v;
Posted 01/19/16
Fluii has decided to hide and let the flowers shine for a while :D;;;
Posted 01/19/16
glitch - Is there something between intermittent and constant? Because it’ll last for ten, fifteen minutes of slow loadings, then suddenly allow an instant one before going swiftly back to slow.
Posted 01/19/16
glitch The site is now broken on everything but my phone for me… we deleted history enabled what it said to and…nothing.  chrome, mozilla, safari and even tried internet explorer.  My laptop and ipad plus Nanna’s windows 8.1 tablet.  Any ideas?
Posted 01/19/16

glitch Possibly? I kind of thought uncarved pets were always darker, but I don’t often look at the big ones so that could be it. I just know it used to be hard to tell uncarved Capri from uncarved Angelic kelph, and now it’s not xD

Mori fwiw, I have this issue with mycena randomly, probably about once a week, for 20-30minutes. I’ll get timeouts and slow loading pages, and stuff like Spellstones breaking (not being able to check words against the server dictionary, i assume). It’s been happening to me for months but doesn’t seem to affect anything else.

Posted 01/19/16


I think the items are still broken, and the pet pages seem to also be broken. I was trying to sell some fish out of my inventory and it’s not working. The pet pages only work if you type the url in manually. Fuzz also seems to be missing his items in his smaller view [but not in his larger view].

Also, the bone monster seems to have become a smiling girl with stylish light brown hair and brown eyes. :3

Posted 01/19/16, edited 01/19/16

Yeah, hey. Ever since mc got back online, I checked my bank account, and all my nuggos were gone. Can I have 1 mil to compensate?

Just kidding. My bank was fine after MC crashed. Wasn’t kidding abut the 1 mil, though. I suffered. Emotionally.

Posted 01/19/16
*peeks in* Hiii, my weird pet, Dreamer, Had a custom avatar background, which is now vamoose. Anyone else with a custom avatar bg having this issue? (sorry if this has already been asked, I don’t have the time to read the whole thread rn)
Posted 01/19/16
Tamako I’m having the same issue, I did mention it but Glitch didn’t address it at all so I’m not sure what’s going on with it.
Posted 01/19/16
Tamako mosh:
Many avatar things are clipping and/or missing from avatars in silly ways—they’re all the same bug and will be fixed as soon as I can get to itglitch

This has now been fixed :)

Posted 01/19/16
Ahh thank you, glitch <3
Posted 01/19/16

Nephele: Could you clarify what you mean by “broken”? I don’t see any requests from you from any device other than your phone since the update, which means that if they’re happening they’re not reaching MC. Is that consistent with what you’re seeing?

Diamondshine101: I’ll go fix the bone monster, but I don’t know what you mean by any of the rest of your post. Could you please include specifics e.g. URLs and any error messages?

Swan: Nice try ;)

Posted 01/19/16
glitch - thanks for the fix, the halloween mushroom worked :)
Posted 01/19/16

Not sure if this has been corrected or is still being looked into but when i look at my profile

Norh’s apparel isnt showing, but when I click on him it is

Just a minor thing I noticed ^^

Posted 01/19/16


No error messages anywhere for me. I can organize pets and items, but clicking doesn’t do anything. Fuzz’s apparel problem only appears on my profile page, not his profile page.

Posted 01/19/16
Diamondshine101: do you mean that, when you look at your profile, and you click on one of your pets, you do not get sent to that pet’s profile?
Posted 01/19/16


Right! Only if I physically type the url in, will it let me onto the pet’s page.

Posted 01/19/16

glitch Aww, well. It was worth a shot.
I hope all the real hiccups are resolved soon! D:

Posted 01/19/16, edited 01/19/16

glitch I keep getting the


thing come up everytime I try from the computer. The IPad doesn’t give me any detail just says it couldnt establish a secure connection. I don’t know what Nanna’s thing says.

Posted 01/19/16
The default upright Sunbeam here has decided that it’s now an active cave painting ineki in the magic puddle.
Posted 01/19/16, edited 01/19/16
Are we going to be allowed to use baby stage sprouts as avatars now? I see some users showing off their babies, but I’m not sure if that’s because of the glitches or not.
Posted 01/19/16